Bug Fixes: Removed New Year presents (still accessible via Steam Betas under "presents" branch, but won’t receive updates). Fixed an issue where deactivated mines didn’t appear deactivated for clients. Fixed mines exploding repeatedly for no reason. Fixed a crash occurring at the start for some players. Added settings to toggle camera effects, leaning, and view bobbing for better accessibility. Fixed a stuck position on the first map.
New Features: Added Steam Cloud integration. Added head bob toggle setting. Improvements & Fixes: Fixed players wearing boxing gloves incorrectly. Fixed issues when returning to the lobby after changing floors. Reduced loading times when switching floors. Improved player controls after being hit with a bottle. Fixed getting stuck on the loading screen after disconnection. Removed Zorti plushie ads (since the goal wasn’t met). Fixed snow effect staying on screen after ending an emote.
Improvements & Additions: Added Direct IP and LAN connection (Port: 7777). At least one player will always survive an explosion (except in solo play). Osman now pulls players toward him with a ground pound if out of reach. Instruments can now be played in the concert zone before and after the concert. Adjusted no-instrument zones. Improved lighting in the ritual room for better code visibility. "Music improves mental health" signs now function properly. Instruments cannot be paused during the concert. Hint reminders now appear every 5 items picked up. Bug Fixes: Fixed skinwalker sound levels not matching player sound levels. Fixed UI getting stuck on "Waiting For Other Players to Skip." Fixed cinematics freezing on a black screen. Fixed "CaRtOoNz" bug. Fixed low FPS or frame drops launching players out of the map. Fixed Osman glitching when hit by a bottle. Fixed chat UI staying active in the main menu. Fixed occlusion issues with some walls. Fixed incorrect spawn points for Mi and Zoomies. Fixed ability to activate turnstiles from behind. Fixed multiple Osmans spawning when returning to the first floor too often. Fixed other mines failing to work if at least one was deactivated.
Mar 09, 2025 03:41 PM